Thursday, 29 January 2009


The road we have had to follow throughout this Media task was never a smooth one but lately it has just been covered with potholes. First of, contary to my previous statements, I have not yet produced an ananlysis to title sequences using Youtube as my aid because due to the crap service I have been recieving from Virgin Broadband I have not been able to access the internet at home for days. After countless phone calls to Virgin they have decided to send me another router which they believe will magically fix the problem, I desperatley hope it will.

Also, my group recently (and I do mean recently) suffered a fatal blow. A loss of a member. Luke has decided to leave 6th Form and in turn departed from our group, this saddens me as I feel Luke was a key member in our group, always contributing ideas, keen on filming and helpful in most situations, I hope this loss doesn't affect our group to much but I beleive it will never be the same. I just hope me, Sophie and Chelsea can carry on like we having been despite these predicaments.

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